The smart people over at Quora are comparing Donald Trump to Hitler. I would provide the link to their discussion, but that would not be nice. Suffice it to say there’s a pontificating anti-Trumpite over there who has convinced a bunch of Mensa wannabes that if The Donald is elected, he will magically morph from a Former Reality Television Star into a Genocidal Megalomaniac who will fundamentally transform America into a neo-Nazi empire.
So many numbskulls, so little time. They’re popping up everywhere, so it’s a lot like playing whack-a-mole to write these words, but I shall state the obvious…
Donald Trump is not Hitler.
Of course I know you know this. After all, you’re smart enough to be here, reading what I have to say and nodding along with every brilliant word. But into every life a little rain must fall, so in your Internet ramblings you may also stumble upon a nincompoop who doesn’t understand the difference between people they don’t like, and Adolph Hitler. Never one to complain about a problem without offering a solution, I offer you a song you can use to educate the little darlings, a kindergarten ditty really, which should meet them where they are.
The music starts at the 1:08 mark. Enjoy!